

Exploring sustainability in a pandemic

A new research report has examined aspects of sustainability related to food and assessed how these issues affect consumer purchase behaviour. One of the findings is that consumers across all demographics are more concerned now about a farmer’s ability to make a living and support their family.

Can coffee cure OCD?

Can coffee cure OCD? That was the sound byte on the news program before quickly heading to a commercial. Of course, my interest, was piqued.

Online tea searches rise in the UK during the lockdown

Move over Tetley, Yorkshire Tea is the UK’s most popular tea! Well, at least in terms of online searches. With stay-at-home directives taking effect in March in many cities around the world, visits to brick ‘n mortar stores, naturally, decreased while online purchases increased. One of the most popular items searched online in the United Kingdom during the lockdown, was tea.

Central America: At the forefront of coffee R&D

Central America is home to many of the world’s most important coffee research and development projects. Participatory research involving producers is the new norm, generating localised strategies that account for the realities of managing both smallholder and commercial farms. By Rachel Northrop


Tea & Coffee Trade Journal