Expocacer releases sustainability impact report

Image: Expocacer

With a focus on socio-environmental initiatives and goals for the future, the Cerrado Coffee Growers’ Cooperative (Expocacer) is launching the “Impact Initiatives 2023” report. The expectation is to raise the bar for the coming years, such as reaching 25,000 hectares of regenerative coffee by 2027, an increase of 92% compared to the current figure of around 13,000 hectares.

The report shows that the cooperative reached a milestone through the generation of photovoltaic solar energy and obtained results of 143,346.71 kWh, enough to supply the entire energy demand of the administrative building and also part of other sectors. The energy generated by the solar panels is equivalent to planting 106 trees, avoiding the emission of 77.45 tons of CO2, and not using 65.22 tons of charcoal, which is a renewable and clean energy source that does not emit pollutants.

“We are proud of our advances in environmental sustainability. We have reduced our carbon footprint, implemented smart and sustainable agricultural practices, and also promoted regenerative ideas with transparent dialogues. Those efforts reflect our commitment to preserving the planet for future generations, stimulating and inspiring transformation,” said Simão Pedro de Lima, executive director of Expocacer.

A study carried out by the Institute for Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification (Imaflora) on 20 coffee farms associated with the cooperative, showed that the farms keep more carbon than they emit. The institute found negative emissions of -0.2 tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to one per hectare per year. This phenomenon occurs when carbon capture from the soil and plants is greater than emissions, and by analysing the farms’ GHG emission estimates, Imaflora got to the absolute value of 15,400 tCO2e.year-1, a figure considered low.

The economic development of the farms associated with Expocacer produces great results for the region, generating jobs and new opportunities for the people around each property. That is why the cooperative also invests in socio-economic actions. According to the report, in 2023, 62.5% of Expocacer’s young apprentices were hired.

“Equity in the cooperative context is a journey that leads us to a balance between valuing our intrinsic equality and a deep respect for individual differences in their unique journeys. We are building an environment where each person can thrive and contribute to the cooperative’s collective success”, said Raquel Lazzarin, Expocacer’s director of organisational human development.

The full report can be found here.

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