Rainforest Alliance supports companies in EUDR transition
Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee and cocoa farmers can now opt-in to specific criteria that align with European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) requirements, in the Rainforest Alliance certification platform.
Understanding the impact of the EUDR on businesses
The European Union (EU) has proposed legislation to prevent companies from selling items such as coffee, cocoa, beef, soy and other commodities linked to deforestation around the world into the EU market.
Fairtrade issues statement on European Commission proposal on deforestation
Fairtrade welcomes the proposal to create a market for deforestation-free products, but warns that climate measures that exclude fairness and social justice will fail to achieve real climate action.
Rainforest Alliance announces enhanced certification programme and standard
The new programme consists of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard with requirements for farms and supply chains, along with a new assurance system and a suite of tools to measure progress towards sustainability objectives.