UN presents A Dialogue on Tea & Coffee for World Food Day

We are proud to announce that Tea & Coffee Trade Journal editor Vanessa L. Facenda will be speaking at the United Nations World Food Day Event this Friday 15 October.

From 14:30 CEST, Vanessa will be speaking online alongside Tom Standage, deputy editor of The Economist in the session titled “A Dialogue on Tea & Coffee” which will explore the production and rich flavours behind the beverages that unite many different cultures.

The session takes place after the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Global World Food Day Ceremony, which will call for the transformation of agri-food systems to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to enough, affordable, safe and nutritious food to lead active and healthy lives.

For more information about the event, visit: www.fao.org/world-food-day/events/detail/world-food-day-ceremony/en and to register for free, visit: fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zsqH5U4pTrCQvyIng_zUcA.

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