ICO and illycaffè hold sustainability Colloquium in Rome

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The search for innovative financial solutions to combat climate change and help all coffee farmers achieve a living and sustainable income was the theme of the Colloquium organized on the occasion of the Ernesto Illy International Coffee Award 2022 by illycaffè and the International Coffee Organization (ICO) together with its Coffee Public-Private Task Force (CPPTF). The event was supported by the Department of Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion of Rome Capital.
The coffee sector now comprises 25 million farmers in over 50 countries located in the tropical “coffee”
belt and its global supply chain supplies a product of which more than 3 billion cups are consumed
worldwide each day.
Welcomed by the Councillor of the Municipality of Rome, Alessandro Onorato, institutions, farmers
and representatives of the coffee chain from all over the world attended the meeting and took part in
the debate, which also included the participation and testimony of the deputy director of the General
Management for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation (MAECI), Roberto Colaminè.
The tools to be used to guarantee prosperity for farmers, their families and the entire coffee supply chain
were analysed and discussed by the executive director of the International Coffee Organization,
Vanúsia Nogueira, who was joined by the ICO’s head of operations, Gerardo Patacconi, the chief
economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Maximo Torero
Cullen, as well as top experts from the European Commission, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and by the
President of illycaffè, Andrea Illy.
Agreeing on the urgent need to reduce the risk generated by climate change through the adoption of
regenerative agricultural practices and circular economy solutions, new financial mechanisms
were identified to increase investments that can enhance the resilience and productivity of coffee
cultivation, improving the income of farming communities. Hoping for greater coordination among all
development partners, the ICO and the private sector, a call was made to the financial community to
establish a global coffee resilience fund, drawing on all available public and private financial instruments: a groundbreaking initiative not only for the coffee sector but for agriculture in general. In this regard, it was announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Development Cooperation has funded a project with UNIDO to support and assist Ethiopia in investing in the coffee sector.
The Colloquium was attended by:
Alessandro Onorato, councillor for Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion of Rome Capital
Andrea De Marco, industrial development expert, UNIDO
Andrea Illy, president of illycaffè and co-president of the Regenerative Society Foundation
Francisco Rubio, senior technical specialist, IFAD.
Gerardo Patacconi, head of operations, ICO
Máximo Torero Cullen, chief economist, FAO
Nuno Santos, senior economist, FAO Investment Center Division
Renate Hahlen, minister counsellor, head of UN Section, Delegation of the EU to the Holy See, the
Order of Malta, the UN Organizations in Rome and the Republic of San Marino
Roberto Colaminè, deputy director general directorate for Development Cooperation, (MAECi)
Vanusia Nogueira, executive director, ICO.