2021 cannot come soon enough!

This is it – the last day of 2020 – and good riddance, most would agree. Although, at least as the year was winding down the Covid-19 vaccine was approved and vaccinations began. Hopefully, by mid-2021 the vaccine will be available to “the masses” and life can return to normal (or at least somewhat normal) …
The coffee and tea industries are resourceful and resilient. Companies in both industries adapted and pivoted their businesses to survive in 2020, and all while maintaining a spirit of giving. Teaandcoffee.net has been filled with stories all year of companies’ generosity, good will and charitable efforts. This was not something new in 2020 but was enhanced during such an unprecedented and difficult year, and I am certain, will not suddenly disappear in 2021.
T&CTJ has also had to adapt our operations and alter our plans so we have been able to continue publishing our issues, posting daily news stories and distributing our weekly newsletter uninterrupted. We look forward to next year as we have a lot planned, specifically, commemorating Tea & Coffee Trade Journal’s 120th anniversary in a special issue! We will keep you apprised as to exactly which will be the commemorative issue. In the interim, if anyone has copies of any old issues – 1901, but any from the early 20th century would be wonderful – I would appreciate it if you could scan the cover and send it to me (my email address is listed below). Thank you in advance for your assistance. As for our other 2021 plans, stay tuned!
Enjoy the last few hours of 2020 and may 2021 be a happier, healthier and Covid-free year! Stay safe and be well!
- Vanessa L Facenda, editor, Tea & Coffee Trade Journal.
Keep in touch via email: [email protected]
Twitter: @TCTradeJournal or LinkedIn: Tea & Coffee Trade Journal.