black tea


Black tea remains trendy in Europe

After ending some 250 years of China’s imperial tea trade monopoly in 1842, Europeans have continued to drink black teas, but grown in their own colonial areas; the big buzz created by  the arrival of green teas from China and Japan from 1980 onwards has boosted cup consumption but has not eroded the dominance of black tea.

Online tea searches rise in the UK during the lockdown

Move over Tetley, Yorkshire Tea is the UK’s most popular tea! Well, at least in terms of online searches. With stay-at-home directives taking effect in March in many cities around the world, visits to brick ‘n mortar stores, naturally, decreased while online purchases increased. One of the most popular items searched online in the United Kingdom during the lockdown, was tea.

The great debate: black tea vs green tea

Black tea and green tea are the leading teas consumed around the world. Green tea has an advantage over black tea for its “perceived” health benefits, while black tea has the familiarity and versatility advantage. How can both teas aim to attract more consumers? By Anne-Marie Hardie

Tea & Coffee Trade Journal