Winning Coffees to be Featured in COE Mexico 2017 Stolen

The Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) announced that national winning coffee lots to be featured in the 2017 Mexico Cup of Excellence (COE) were stolen.
While transporting lots from the warehouse in Oaxaca, Mexico, to the warehouse in Veracruz, Mexico, the driver was ambushed on the road and forced from the truck. The truck and the container of eight winning coffee lots were stolen. Fortunately, the driver was not injured and walked to the nearest town to notify police. The stolen National Winner lots are: COE Lot #5, #9, #11, #19, #20 and #26, #32 and #33.
As a result, the coffees that were stolen will not be included in the Mexico COE. However, the winning lots will remain listed on the ACE website to bring visibility to the winning farmers who produced those lots.
ACE released a video of Margarita Maura, one of the farmers whose lot (#19) was stolen, talking about her life in coffee:
If you are interested in donating to support the farmers whose lots were stolen, please visit: